When I know that I am going to fall,why did I even bother to try?
Exactly!The pain.I thought that I can take away that pain.But it's just useless effort after all.I am stupid.I am not good enough.I am nothing.Worthless pieces of trash.
The black swan can never turn into a beautiful white swan no matter how long it wasted its time bathing in the water.
I am serious.Dont bother yourself to miss me.I am nothing.
Have a great journey captain.You had succesfully pulled your anchor and set the sail but you forgot your sailor who pulled it for you.How are you going to sail without your sailor?Alone by yourself?I wonder.I maybe a suck sailor but still you are the one who offered me the job.Fired me but dont left me.Still cannot get it eh?
May Peace Be Upon Us.
Live,Laugh,Die Emotionally!
Blame the captain..
He's suck..
S*******e and emo captain..
Juz throw him away from that ship..
Let him drown in the wide open sea..alone..
Watch him die..coz he worth for it..
@Anon:I know who you are..
not everything need a reason.
the sailor has took the oath to stay loyal to the captain
besides im not a killer,u see..
then u will sink with this useless captain..
@mr.anon:there's no other options either
i'll be your male black swan..together live this worthless pieces of trash..
@mr.anon:i'll have a lot to explain to my readers later bout this.
why im soo stupid..pffftt
like I said..juz throw him away..let him die alone on his journey..(u may delete my comment my dear lovely lily)..May Peace Be Upon Us..
A kiss for u that is sorrowful..
A goodbye for u that is loved..
@mr.anon:dont u do dare to say goodbye...
ape sial kena tembak ngn anon?
aku nmpak kau komen kat yuyun punya entry pasal cupecake..ape doh!
@Abang Zam:that anon is my stupid fiancee okay...sori kmi bergaduh kat sini..hahaha
kau memang kn...aku baca n klu aku rajin aku komen la...bkn mcm kau...
ahaha..kim salam fiance palat itu
elee..aku pun rajin jugak la komen..tapi malas nak over bila komen
tak macam kau
@Abang Zam:ahaha,,ok..nnti aku kirim...
kau memang tak over,kau cuma butthurt yuyun tecik kau je kan...pffttt hahaha
ahahaha..weh..kau tunggu tau..aku tgh deal ngn yuyun tecik nak buat segmen mendidih..die ON
@ABAng Zam:ahaha...patutlah..baru aku fhm sikalang...
gud luck darl
thangs beby
ala..kau jgn tacing..aku komen ni kan..entry pagi ni
@Abang Zam:hahaha..kau pengomen tegar aku.mestilah...aku suruh nuff bayar kau bulan2 ape..klu cek kau tak smpai mknanya nuff penipu la tu...
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